Comcast announced it will abandon its controversial 250GB data cap on home Internet connections. Instead, the company will utilize something it calls a “more flexible data usage management approach.”
- “That basically means that the company will eventually switch to a tiered plan arrangement with overage fees just like wireless providers, with base plans starting at 300GB per month,” reports The Verge.
- The current 250GB cap will be suspended everywhere while Comcast tries out “two different types of tiered plan packages in various test markets over the next few months,” explains the post.
- The first will give users at every speed a 300GB allotment with “additional capacity available in blocks.” The second plan starts most performance tiers with 300GB, but increases the GB availability for faster service levels.
- “It’s all definitely a bit more transparent than much-hated cap-and-throttle system, but we’ll have to see how Comcast decides to price these new plans and additional blocks of data — heavy users could end up with exorbitant bills,” suggests The Verge.
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