Copywrong: Mark Schubin on Pitfalls of Posting Online Videos
By ETCentric
September 29, 2015
September 29, 2015
Yesterday we reported that YouTube was readying its ad-free, subscription-based video and music service. In response, SMPTE Fellow Mark Schubin forwarded a link to his related blog post, titled “Copywrong” that addresses the challenges he faces when posting non-commercial lecture videos on YouTube. While Schubin offers his videos ad-free, after carefully seeking permission or relying on fair use when incorporating “others’ words, pictures, sounds, or videos,” people still claim to own related copyrights (even when the content is more than 100 years old). This allows YouTube “to put ads on my lectures to monetize ‘their’ material,” writes Schubin. “The ads go on before I’m even informed, and then I have to dispute the claims.”
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