- Industry leaders gathered in New York City last week to discuss opportunities and strategies involving digital media at the paidContent 2012 conference.
- According to paidContent, the following are the five key takeaways from the day:
- 1) “Data helps destroy containers, and that’s a good thing. Data creates new content and information experiences and helps bring an end to the notion of content silos.”
- 2) “Digital storytelling is a native art. Stories on the Internet are not a new form of magazine or newspaper stories, but a medium in their own right — just like radio or TV. Publishers should develop their platforms accordingly rather than just repurposing other print vehicles.”
- 3) “Not all ‘media’ are created equal. Union Square’s Fred Wilson and Betaworks’ John Borthwick gave a rude awakening to Big Media executives, urging them to give up control of their content — and even to stop calling it ‘content.'”
- 4) “Publishers have to sell their brands directly to consumers.”
- 5) “It’s time to toss CPM as a yardstick for online advertising success… it’s time for advertisers to adapt their ads to the evolving nature of the Internet itself. That means forgetting about CPMs and focusing on data and social dynamics. On a broader level, it means re-imagining basic precepts of advertising and product discovery in a world where Web pages are being eclipsed by new types of online discovery and interaction.”
- It’s worth noting that proposed projects being developed by the ETC will address the first 3 of these 5 bullets.
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