Dish Update: TV Execs Not Happy About Hopper Ad-Skipping Tech

  • Not everyone is excited about Dish’s new ad-skipping technology. The interface allows users to skip over commercials after being exposed to them for a very short time, “maybe the first second,” details TechCrunch.
  • Dish records all prime-time TV automatically on its Hopper DVRs, making content available online right after airing on TV, and its “AutoHop” feature allows for skipping over commercials while watching.
  • “Obviously everyone with a DVR skips over commercials. It’s a given and it’s the way things work now,” comments the post. “However, for Dish to formalize the process programmatically is a wild move. It’s akin to a movie theater allowing folks to vote on whether the audience will see those inane pre-feature ads and previews.”
  • “Imagine if, a few years ago, ‘Lost’ or another huge, sprawling epic drama was available online immediately after it aired. This sort of episode saturation is a new paradigm for TV watching, one that even time-shifting advocates didn’t foresee,” explains TechCrunch.

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