- As businesses struggle to learn the most effective social media strategies, Business Insider takes a look at the most popular companies on Facebook today.
- The list focuses on 20 companies that market products to consumers (it does not include all the entertainment brands, celebrities and companies such as YouTube that draw a high number of likes on the social network).
- The data comes from Likester’s marketing platform called AdCenter.
- “While many of the companies on the list are huge brands, there are some surprises,” notes the post. “Companies that are smaller and more niche have discovered that using Facebook effectively can make them hugely popular.”
- Levi Strauss, for example, was the first major retailer to include the Facebook ‘Like’ feature on its commerce site. Nutella designed a recent campaign that linked its content with social messaging related to the Olympics.
- The list includes the following companies (from 1-20; check out the post for details regarding their social strategies): Coca-Cola, Disney, Converse, Starbucks, Red Bull, Oreo, Skittles, McDonald’s, Pringles, Victoria’s Secret, Walmart, Monster Energy, Target, Ferrero Rocher, Nutella, Adidas, Disneyland, Zara, Levi’s and Burberry.
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