ETC MegaSession: USC Students Share Their Media Viewing Habits

  • USC undergrads answered questions about their media consumption habits during the September 20th ETC MegaSession.
  • The students indicated that they typically watch movies in theaters or on laptops and mobile devices, while television viewing is most common as a community experience in dorms and houses.
  • When in a theater, most electronic communication is restricted to before and after the film is screened. They seemed leery of a second screen interaction that detracts from the immersive movie experience.
  • However, one student noted: “I’ve always wondered if a film would be developed that integrated social media into the movie. I think it would be fantastic, but it would need to be specifically developed for that.”
  • The students are annoyed by tech choices that prove disappointing (such as 3D and IMAX), yet seek out the best theater technology for films they anticipate to be viewing events. Favorites this year included: “The Dark Knight Rises” (IMAX), “The Avengers” (3D) and “Brave” (3D).
  • Live sports and social engagement will get them in front of a TV, but they primarily watch content on Hulu and Netflix. The students noted the growing popularity of piracy sites and generally found the video quality to be good enough for their viewing.
  • “Second screen activity at home was of interest as long as it adds value and doesn’t detract from the programming,” explains the summary. “Two students suggested pop-up facts pushed during the commercial breaks, rather than during the show. The students were defining second screen activity as something ‘pushed at them.’ They did not mention texting, tweeting or other viewing-time commenting as a second screen activity.”

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