- A recent TVGuide.com survey found that TV viewers believe they can influence business decisions by using social media.
- According to Lost Remote, the survey determined that 76 percent of TV viewers indicate their “main motivation for engaging with social media is to prevent their favorite TV shows from being canceled.” That number is up from 66 percent a year ago.
- Viewers also use social media to let their friends know what they’re watching. The survey specifies that 95 percent engage in social media after the show concludes, 40 percent participate while the show is airing and 53 percent engage beforehand.
- It’s also worth noting that 69 percent use social sites to see other viewers’ opinions, whereas only a third actually post something themselves.
- “The most entertaining question from the survey asked the simple question, ‘What is social TV?’ which is even difficult for TV execs to define,” comments Lost Remote. “But 61 percent had an answer: ‘Another stupid marketing term for how people have always watched TV’ said one, ‘liberal biased media crap’ responded another. But among them, there were some great definitions, such as ‘Being hooked into communities online while watching TV’ and ‘a connected atmosphere of television.'”
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