FCC Application Suggests Google is Testing Entertainment Device
By Rob Scott
February 6, 2012
February 6, 2012
- Google has requested permission from the FCC to test a new “entertainment device” in the homes of some of its employees in four cities over the next six months.
- According to an FCC application Google submitted in December, the device would be Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled.
- Google asked to test 252 devices between mid-January and July in Mountain View, CA; Cambridge, MA; New York and Los Angeles.
- “While details of what the actual device is aren’t included in the application, it almost certainly has something to do with Google TV,” reports VentureBeat. “Using the data transfer process described in the application, the device could be a way for people to grab video content from the Internet and distribute it to all the other mobile devices.”
- The posts includes the full description from the FCC application.
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