First Super Wi-Fi Network Using White Space Spectrum Deploys

  • Using white space spectrum, “Super Wi-Fi” is rolling out to Hanover County in North Carolina.
  • In 2010, the FCC approved devices to run using this spectrum but instituted regulations on manufacturers based on concerns that the spectrum would interfere with TV signals. Now, the current requirements only mandate that the device have geolocation capabilities and access to the spectrum database.
  • “The white space will operate at 40 milliwatts alongside these stations,” SlashGear explains. “Without interference, the network will operate at 100 milliwatts, and users should see much faster speeds.”
  • If all goes well in Hanover, Super Wi-Fi could expand across the nation. “Actual purchase for these white space spectrums will be very competitive. They are essentially untouched television stations, so all broadcasting and wireless companies will be potential buyers,” SlashGear notes.

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