GE announced that is has developed the ability to write data on its prototype holographic discs at speeds equal to that of a Blu-ray burner.
- The new discs use the same form factor as current optical discs, but using a micro-holographic technology, are able to hold as much as 500GB of data.
- The discs are comprised of a polycarbonate material containing millions of stamped micro-holograms. Gizmodo explains: “When the light source — whose beam is the same wavelength as that of a Blu-ray drive — hits the disc, it erases the necessary amount of holograms to represent the data it’s recording.”
- Although physical media seems to be losing relevance based on today’s technologies, the discs are intended for long-term archival uses. With a projected life of more than 100 years, they may serve as a solution for long-term storage of digital film and video content.
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