GetGlue Claims its Social TV Numbers Can Compete with Twitter

  • Four out of the top 10 scripted broadcast television shows have more activity on social TV startup GetGlue than on Twitter, and for cable scripted TV, the number is even higher at 9 out of 10.
  • The data suggests that GetGlue, with one million active users, is competing — and in some cases surpassing — Twitter with its 140 million users. But as AllThingsD points out, measuring social TV chatter is complicated.
  • For example, you can interact with different services in multiple ways (on Twitter, you can tweet, retweet, or ‘favorite’ a comment), not all of which are accurately accounted for.
  • “The numbers that GetGlue is using here only tell us about the volume of chatter, not the total number of chatterers,” the article states, suggesting much of the activity could come from individual users. Another possibility is that social TV talk just isn’t that popular.
  • “For instance, a new episode of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ draws around 12 million viewers. But even if you use the most generous interpretation of GetGlue’s stats, the combined active GetGlue + Twitter social audience would be under 65,000 people — much less than 1 percent of CBS’s total,” the article explains. “If you try the same math with HBO’s ‘True Blood,’ the most social show on cable, the numbers might top 3 percent, but that one’s very much an outlier.”
  • On the other hand, big events like awards shows or sports finals see a large amount of social interaction — mainly on Twitter, and much less on specialty services like GetGlue.

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