Google and Boingo Wireless Team to Offer Wi-Fi to New York Subway Stations

  • Beginning next Monday, free Wi-Fi will be available at some New York City subway stations courtesy of Google.
  • “Boingo Wireless, the Wi-Fi provider well known for its wireless service for airports, has teamed up with Google Offers, the search company’s Web page for getting deals, to offer the free Internet,” reports The New York Times.
  • Google will foot the bill from Monday until September 7. Beyond that, Boingo will offer service plans for its Wi-Fi, such as “$10 per month for unlimited use on any two Internet-enabled devices, or $8 per month for unlimited access on a mobile device,” details NYT.
  • Boingo also hopes for more sponsorships to provide free Wi-Fi in the NYC subway system regularly, said a spokesperson for the company.
  • The provider says its Wi-Fi will be available in 36 subway stations by the end of 2012 and in 270 stations within the next five years.

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