Google Earns More Revenue from Apple Devices than Android Ads and Apps

  • In 2011, Google made $38 billion in total revenue, mostly from its advertising on PCs which earns the company about $30 per PC annually. In contrast, the company’s mobile OS, Android has made less than $550 million for Google since 2008, coming out to around $10 per handset.
  • The Internet giant offers the OS free to smartphone manufacturers and makes money from advertisements and app sales (a 30 percent cut on all Android devices).
  • Google has said that mobile will be central in its future and reported “seeing a huge positive revenue impact from mobile, which has grown 2.5 times in the last 12 months to a run rate of over $2.5 billion,” said CEO Larry Page in an October earnings call. Ironically, Google made more than four times as much revenue from Apple devices that employ its Maps and Google Search than it did from Android in the same time period.
  • These figures became public in a damages offer with Oracle in anticipation of a patent and copyright infringement trial. Google has offered to pay Oracle a percentage of revenues from Android amounting to $2.8 million.

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