Google+ Notifications in Gmail Get More Interactive This Week

  • Google is trying to push the boundaries of email, a typically static communication medium. Rolling out to users throughout the week, its Google+ notifications in Gmail promise to be more interactive.
  • “This is actually Google’s second step in this direction. Since March, Google+ users were already able to add people to their circles from inside the Google+ notifications email,” details TechCrunch.
  • But Google is going a step further this week, “basically bringing the full interactive Google+ experience to these messages. Users can now view, comment on and +1 posts from their inboxes. Responses from their friends will also appear in real time right inside the message,” according to the post.
  • Other start-ups, including PowerInbox are also attempting to convert email into more of an interactive platform. “The PowerInbox browser plugin, for example works with Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and Outlook and its API is already being used by a number of other email clients, including Unified Inbox,” adds TechCrunch.

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