Google Service Helps Creators Build Personalized Storefronts

Google’s in-house incubator Area 120 recently introduced Qaya, a new service that helps creators build their own digital storefronts. Qaya, which was co-created by Area 120 founder-in-residence Nathaniel Naddaff-Hafrey, is designed to help creators monetize their products and services by offering them directly to fans via personalized storefronts that can be integrated with Google Search and Google Shopping. Currently in beta, the Qaya-powered storefronts can host up to 1,000 products each. Google Pay is built into the service, with support for subscriptions, tipping and one-time payments. Qaya also offers sales analytics.

“After hearing from dozens of creators about how difficult and time-consuming it is to build their digital businesses,” reports TechCrunch, Naddaff-Hafrey got the idea for Qaya. “Several other members on the Qaya team are also creators, who bring with them their own experiences with existing creator tools. They understood from their own efforts and other creators they spoke to that there’s demand for a flexible, no-code product that could function as a one stop-shop where creators can make money from their work and better connect with their audience.”

Creators can make money by selling physical and digital goods such as photos, files, e-books, templates, digital art and much more. The service requires no additional coding by creators. According to TechCrunch, “if the creator sells physical goods or services on other platforms, an import function will allow them to feature these items on their Qaya page, complete with their own personal branding.”

Creators will have a personal domain name for each store. With the custom URLs, creators can manually paste the links to their social media accounts or organize them via social media reference landing page Linktree.

“We also developed customer management and analytics tools that creators use to connect with their fans and understand sales and content performance,” Naddaff-Hafrey explains on the Google Blog. For example, creators can review data insights such as total views, total items sold, total amount earned and the growth of their stores.

“Lastly, we know it’s important for creators to grow their audiences,” concludes Naddaff-Hafrey. “So we’ve started to integrate with other Google products, including YouTube’s Merch Shelf. If you’re an eligible YouTube creator, you can now promote products from Qaya directly below videos on your YouTube channel.”

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