Google to Acquire Photo App Snapseed: New Mobile Competition?

  • Google has agreed to acquire German developer Nik Software, which produces multiple apps for photographers, most notably the iOS app Snapseed.
  • “The $4.99 app won Apple’s coveted iPad App Of The Year award in 2011 for its inventive multitouch photo editing interface, and gained over nine million users during its first year on sale,” The Verge reports. “Nik Software also sells Snapseed for Mac and Windows, and the company is apparently working on an Android app as well.”
  • Sources say the Nik Software team devoted to Snapseed will relocate to Google’s Mountain View headquarters to work on Google+.
  • Although Snapseed hasn’t seen the same traction as Instagram, the app could be integrated into the Google+ mobile app, which “would instantly put [Google+] on par with Facebook and Instagram’s mobile photo-editing capabilities,” the post suggests.
  • “We want to help our users create photos they absolutely love, and in our experience Nik does this better than anyone,” wrote Google+ senior VP Vic Gundotra in a blog post.


  1. “Google+ now has 400 million registered users, and more than 100 million active users visit the service every month. However, chances are, many of them don’t actually realize they’re visiting Google+ at all. Instead, they might just be there to make a video call.”

  2. “Google+ now has 400 million registered users, and more than 100 million active users visit the service every month. However, chances are, many of them don’t actually realize they’re visiting Google+ at all. Instead, they might just be there to make a video call.”

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