According to “2019 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry,” a new annual report from gaming industry trade group Entertainment Software Association, about 65 percent of adults now play video games in the United States. That adds up to more than 164 million people, and each year, the total grows. The report also indicates that three-fourths of U.S. adults have at least one gaming player at home, while 93 percent of those households own a smartphone on which half of them play video games.
“After announcing a record-breaking $43.4 billion in U.S. industry revenue for 2018, the ESA dug deeper into data that tells more about the individual Americans who enjoy video games and their lifestyles to better understand their interests,” reports VentureBeat.
What the ESA found shows that video game players represent a diverse group of active and engaged individuals who see video games as a net positive for society.
According to VentureBeat, “79 percent of those surveyed said video games provide them with mental stimulation as well as relaxation and stress relief (78 percent). Video game players are engaged civically, with 59 percent reporting they will vote in the next presidential election. More than half (52 percent) are college educated.”
Additionally, gaming is often seen as a way to spend time with other people. In the study, 63 percent reported that they play games with others, whether it be online or in person.
“This is the golden age of video games. They are the leading form of entertainment in American culture. They enhance our interconnected experiences and relationships with one another and redefine the intersection between humans and technology,” said president and CEO of the ESA, Stanley Pierre-Louis.
The gaming industry in the U.S. is one of the fastest-growing economic sectors, providing “more than 220,000 jobs in all 50 states” and “more than 520 colleges and universities in 46 states offer programs or degrees related to video games,” reports VentureBeat.
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