Half of Consumers Prefer a Brand Facebook Page to its Website

  • Most consumers that “Like” brand pages on Facebook save money, according to research from Lab42. The market research company surveyed 1,000 social media users on their Facebook brand interaction habits.
  • The report indicates that about half of consumers value a brand’s Facebook page more than the company’s own website. Overall, 87 percent of surveyed individuals report they liked at least one brand on Facebook.
  • The largest motivation for liking brands is to save money, according to the report, as 34 percent like the pages for “Promotions/discounts” and 21 percent like the brands for “Free giveaways.”
  • But while consumers love printing coupons and saving money, brands need not overdo their Facebook activity; 73 percent of people have unliked a brand, and the largest reason to do so is because a brand posts too frequently.
  • Brands can gain more Facebook fans by posting more giveaways and coupons, posting less often overall, and letting Facebook users hide that they like the brand. The last item is the trickiest for the brands, as companies want information to be public. But many people are embarrassed to like certain brands, and privacy can help increase the total number of fans.

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