HBO Makes Clarification: Denies Possibility of Plans for Netflix Partnership

  • HBO has clarified that it is “not in discussions” with Netflix regarding a potential partnership.
  • The denial contradicts a statement from Reed Hastings, who had hinted that the companies may be ready to work together.
  • “HBO rushed to pour cold water on the possibilities that the Netflix CEO raised in a letter to shareholders, making it clear it had no intentions of making a deal with Hastings, who often singles out HBO as a chief competitor,” reports Reuters.
  • HBO offers original programming to its subscribers through the on-demand service HBO Go. Earlier this year, the channel opted not to sell DVDs of its shows to Netflix at the wholesale price it offers to retail operations.
  • “While we compete for content and viewing time with HBO, it is also possible we will find opportunities to work together — just as we do with other networks,” Hastings and CFO David Wells wrote in their letter.
  • Hastings told analysts the HBO reference was merely meant to highlight that “we’re just another network, and then when you have multiple networks, they often find ways of working together.”
  • “There is no current deal on the table,” he said.

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