Home Video: Fox to Convert Library Titles for Blu-ray 3D Release
By Rob Scott
October 17, 2012
October 17, 2012
- Twentieth Century Fox will release the 2004 Will Smith sci-fi film “I, Robot” next week on Blu-ray 3D.
- The release will make history as the first title to be remastered in 3D exclusively for the home market. The studio indicates additional library titles will be converted for Blu-ray re-release in 3D.
- “Using the new JVC Kenwood 2D3D workstation — technology that was developed in collaboration with Fox and first previewed in public last winter at the Hollywood Post Alliance Technology Retreat — Fox is in the process of converting a ‘handful’ of additional titles, though the studio declined to name them,” writes Carolyn Giardina for The Hollywood Reporter.
- Launching a successful 3D market for the home will require additional content, but the cost of 3D conversion can average $30,000-$100,000 per minute, according to some estimates.
- “While Fox isn’t commenting on the cost for using the new JVC technology, Ian Harvey, senior VP, advanced technology at Fox, indicated that it is less than other techniques and services that Fox has explored,” reports Giardina.
- However, Harvey is not promoting the conversion technology for new productions. “They should still shoot new films in 3D,” he suggests. “There are still issues on any conversion. It is not like ‘Avatar.’”
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