How Will the Mini iPad Impact Competition in the Smaller Tablet Market?

  • With Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal both reporting that Apple will launch a smaller version of its iPad later this year, the mini iPad seems to now be more of a reality than a rumor.
  • The new device may potentially lead to devastating competition for other products in the smaller tablet market including the Kindle Fire, Nook and Nexus 7.
  • Apple will likely sell its device at a premium, but the company “would do well against its competitors purely on the strength of its apps,” suggests TIME.
  • Other companies have tried to compete with Apple in the 10-inch tablet market, but none have succeeded, and companies may experience similar frustration as Apple and its ecosystem of apps migrates to smaller tablets.
  • Apple likes to profit from its hardware (Apple makes $150 on each Wi-Fi iPad 2), which means it will likely sell its mini iPad for $250 or $300.
  • With Apple dominating the market while selling at a premium, other companies will likely drive prices lower, “but they won’t come up with better products that way — only cheaper ones,” speculates TIME.

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