IBC 2012: Native 120Hz Footage with 8K Super Hi-Vision Camera

  • Engadget reports from IBC in Amsterdam on NHK’s Super Hi-Vision camera that “doubles the capture rate from the standard 60Hz to a much speedier 120Hz, yielding sharper motion.”
  • “While the difference isn’t noticeable with static or slow-moving scenes, it certainly comes into play when filming rapid-motion sporting events or panning the camera,” notes the post.
  • “Filming a rotating image that paired ordinary objects and cityscapes with letters and numbers, you could see the difference instantly, with the 120Hz image on the right side yielding far shaper details, while the left side was often a blurry mess,” describes Engadget.
  • Since the higher frequency comes directly from the source, there is no software smoothing involved and “it appears perfectly natural, and much more pleasant.”
  • The post includes a series of stills and a video report from the IBC show floor.

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