Increased DVR Adoption Proves Beneficial for Small Screen Success

  • While initial ratings for new and returning TV series have been disappointing for big networks thus far, DVR playback numbers are helping to close that gap.
  • “The big question raised by the growing influence of DVR numbers is how the increase in delayed viewing may shake up industry practices — in everything from how a show’s performance is evaluated to how and when networks spin ratings results,” reports Variety.
  • Because DVR playback numbers don’t arrive for a week or two after the original air date, it’s difficult to tell if a show is doing well at first.
  • “The average DVR lift from viewing done within three days of the initial telecast, or what Nielsen dubs Live-Plus-3 ratings, for Big Four network shows during last week’s premiere onslaught was 26 percent, up from 20 percent during the comparable week last year… and even more viewing will take place later in the week after a telecast, boosting the Live-Plus-7 tallies as well,” according to the article.
  • More people are using DVRs this season because more people own them. DVR ownership in U.S. homes jumped from 42 percent last fall to 46 percent today. “Among viewers in the 18-49 demo, the rate is 51 percent. And they have clearly learned how to use their machines to full advantage,” writes Variety.

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