Infographic Provides Numbers Regarding Day in the Life of the Internet

  • Mashable notes that “only about one-third of the world’s population is connected” to the Internet, but that “the amount of data we generate and consume is likely to blow your hair back.”
  • The post features a compelling infographic courtesy of, which details one day of Internet use, to startling results.
  • “Would you believe that 294 billion emails are sent? That 2 million blog posts are written? That 864,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube alone? How am I supposed to watch all of that when I’m only on season one of Downton Abbey?” Mashable asks.
  • Additional stats of interest: 172 million people visit Facebook (while 4.7 billion minutes are spent on the social network), 22 million hours of video are viewed on Netflix, 18.7 million hours of music are streamed on Pandora — and iPhone sales exceed the number of babies born.

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