Is Pinterest Looking to Integrate Interest-Sharing Platform with TV?

  • Tech companies such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter are targeting the living room TV, while second-screen experiences for our smartphones and tablets are being introduced by the likes of GetGlue and Shazam.
  • According to Fast Company, the interest-sharing (and soon-to-be e-commerce platform) Pinterest has been meeting with various TV networks including MTV, VH1 and Bravo.
  • “While it’s too early to say what such meetings could yield, they serve as a sign of the two-year-old startup’s increasing interest in brands and media,” notes the post. “But what would Pinterest TV look like, should such a thing exist?”
  • Fast Company was told that the meetings were generally about relationship building (not uncommon with startups) and how to optimize the platform for third parties. “In other words, it’s not likely the 70-person shop is already looking to expand to on-screen TV engagement — it only just landed on the iPad.”
  • However, it’s worth noting that television brands have played a significant role in nurturing social media platforms.
  • “Twitter and Facebook have become intertwined with live-TV viewing; Instagram has worked with broadcast networks like CNN; and Foursquare has helped devise interesting applications with the History and Weather channels,” explains the post. “On Pinterest, for example, we’re already seeing popular feeds from MTV and the Food Network.”
  • Could there come a time when we find ourselves pinning kitchen devices featured on Bravo’s “Top Chef” to Pinterest? “I don’t know yet — maybe,” responds Lisa Hsia, EVP of digital for Bravo, with a smile. “Watch what happens.”

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