OUYA is a $99 Android-powered game console designed to plug into televisions. The project went live via Kickstarter this week and in its first day attracted more than $2.5 million in funding.
- “We get it — smartphones and tablets are getting all the new titles — they’re ‘what’s hot,'” explains the OUYA Kickstarter page. “The console market is pushing developers away. We’ve seen a brain drain: some of the best, most creative gamemakers are focused on mobile and social games because those platforms are more developer-friendly.”
- “It’s time we brought back innovation, experimentation, and creativity to the big screen,” adds the site. “Let’s make the games less expensive to make, and less expensive to buy. With all our technological advancements, shouldn’t costs be going down? Gaming could be cheaper!”
- “In addition to running Android applications, OUYA is going to carry a ton of games that you can play for free,” reports Business Insider. “Developers, by default, have to make part of their games free to play.”
- Its original goal was to raise $950,000 as a Kickstarter project. By this morning, it had raised more than $4.3 million.
- In a related post, Penny Arcade is skeptical of the hype surrounding OUYA: “There is almost no information about the state of production hardware, and in fact nearly everything about the system seems to be in flux. The Kickstarter page contradicts itself on some points, and many of the images and statements seem to be intentionally misleading.”
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