Modio, an iPad app by Icelandic entrepreneur Hilmar Gunnarsson, turns kids and adults alike into 3D designers. Users can build poseable models within the app by adding limbs and other features, and adjusting size and color with just a few taps. Then these constructed figures come to life through 3D printing. Limbs snap into place, similar to the way Legos function. The iPad app is impressive in its use of multi-touch technology, which allows users to collaborate on projects.
The Modio app is free on the App Store, and it comes with a vast array of parts and templates to help kids get started. According to TechCrunch, “Gunnarsson self-funded the entire project and aims to make money by offering downloadable content — monsters and pieces — and allowing users to sell and share their models.”
The creator designed the simple interface for a large age-range of users. “We created Modio to be easy to use even for a five-year-old, but still powerful enough so that an adult can have a lot of fun with it,” Gunnarsson said.
Kids and adults can determine colors, limbs, and even textures, and then print the models on any desktop 3D printer. Each figure can also be printed in multiple sizes for the kids who want to make both the pocket-sized and the oversized version of their creatures.
Gunnarsson and his team created Modio to address the need for more content that utilizes 3D printing technology. “There are a lot of printers now on the market, but there’s this content gap where people don’t really know what they should make with these devices,” Gunnarsson said.
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