Kinect for Windows 1.5 to Feature Skeletal Tracking and Speech Recognition
By Karla Robinson
March 29, 2012
March 29, 2012
- As the Kinect for Windows hardware rolls out in the coming months, its SDK is already getting an update.
- Microsoft’s Craig Eisler offered a sneak peek of the SDK in a blog post this week.
- “The Kinect for Windows 1.5 SDK, due in late May, will see the release of Kinect Studio — a new app that allows developers to record, playback, and debug clips of users interacting with applications,” reports The Verge. “Microsoft is also planning to support a new ‘seated’ 10-joint skeletal tracking system, which lets developers track the head, neck, and arms of seated and standing users in default and near mode.”
- The update will also include new support for French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese speech recognition in addition to new language packs from Microsoft that enable regional speech detection.
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