Kinect Sports Rivals: Next Wave of Motion-Controlled Gaming

Since the launch of the Nintendo Wii in 2006, consumers have found the idea of motion-controlled gaming to be appealing. However, the actual product never seems to work as well as promised. The recently released $60 “Kinect Sports Rivals” game uses new technology that aims to change those performance concerns. The technology includes an upgraded Kinect sensor, bundled with Microsoft’s $450 Xbox One game console. The new Kinect can detect finer body movements such as the opening and closing of a hand.

Developers initially created motion controlled gaming as a way to make controlling a video game seem less intimidating and abstract. Instead of needing to learn where all of the buttons are on a controller, players can easily move their arms and legs to play the game.

While this sounds like a good idea, developers have been struggling to make these games function as well as they would like; the technology could not meet their ambitions.

The upgraded Kinect sensor has made strides toward achieving these goals, although there are still limitations. The sensor allows players to play games that simulate competitive wall climbing, wake racing, soccer, tennis, and more.

“Motion-control gaming needs reliable, consistently accurate experiences. Anything that misses that standard, even with great graphics and story lines, is still just a mirror that doesn’t always wave back,” reports The New York Times.

“‘Kinect Sports Rivals‘ may sometimes feel like the most intimate type of gaming experience there is. Too often, however, it feels as if it didn’t recognize what my body just did. And that makes it distancing.”

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