Leonar3Do Offers Organic 3D Drawing Tool and Immersive Experience
By Philip Lelyveld
January 23, 2012
January 23, 2012
The Leonar3Do system allows you to control objects in 3D space and look around them by moving your head.
- Both the 3D game play and the drafting tool in the CES booth demo were simple and intuitive.
- The system includes a drawing “bird” controller, three sensors that attach to the top of the screen, polarized glasses containing chips that the sensors track, and open API software for drawing and game design.
- The drawing tool is organic and easy-to-use, so training on Leonar3Do is more artistic than procedural. In other words, students learn by pushing the limits of their artistic expression rather than mastering geometries and commands.
- The University of Iowa uses Leonar3Do throughout their School of Art coursework. Jared Williams, who teaches there, brought some of his students to CES to demonstrate the software in the Leonar3Do booth.
- They offer an educational version ($1000), and a professional version ($1350).
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