LevelUp: Free Social Game Helps Incentivize Photoshop Learning Experience

  • Adobe has introduced LevelUp, a new social game aimed to help customers learn Photoshop through missions, badges, and rewards.
  • Customers download LevelUp for free and then complete levels in their existing Photoshop software. Beginner levels can earn 20 to 30 points while more advanced levels can earn up to 850 points. Points can be applied to drawings for prizes such as Adobe Creative Cloud memberships.
  • “The directions are very clear: In each stage, the navigation bar tells you exactly what shortcuts to use or what buttons to click to move on the to the next stage. You can opt to use Photoshop’s sample images, or even open one of your own to learn from the ground up,” explains Digital Trends.
  • Users can also share scores on Twitter and Facebook for increased chances at prizes. Customers can track their progress on weekly leaderboards as well.
  • LevelUp is available for Photoshop Creative Suite versions 5 and above.

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