LinkedIn Adds In-Stream Video, Initially From 500 Influencers

The 433-million member LinkedIn, which Microsoft is in the process of acquiring for $26 billion, is moving into video. The company has chosen 500 LinkedIn “Influencers” — people with large followings who regularly post to the site — who will create 30-second (or less) videos with a LinkedIn-created app Record. The videos will be each Influencer’s response to general questions relating to LinkedIn’s mission of professional development, such as leadership challenges or technology trends.

TechCrunch reports that, “the idea behind adding in video is pretty straightforward,” given that Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media platforms have been charging ahead with video for some time. The idea is that video increases the amount of time users spend on the platform, thus boosting video-based advertising and the resultant revenue.


“The videos will run in-stream on users’ feeds on desktop, and will break out into ‘immersive’ experiences on blackened screens when you click on the videos themselves.” Similarly, video on LinkedIn’s iOS and Android apps will, when clicked, “pop out into blackened screens.” At the end of the video, the viewer will see more videos, be it more from the same Influencer or others answering the same question.

LinkedIn executive Jasper Sherman-Presser, who leads the video tool’s development, says there will be “no ads or any fees” for making or streaming videos. TechCrunch notes, however, that given LinkedIn’s premium subscriber business, it’s likely that this will change at some point. Sherman-Presser also reports that video is already popular on the site, although mainly as links to other sites.

For now, only Influencers will be able to create and post video, but Sherman-Presser says that it will be expanded in the future, similar to the introduction of other tools. “I think that playbook [of first tapping Influencers and then expanding to others] has been successful for us,” he said. “We see this as part of the tools that people can use to successfully build out their personal brands.”

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