Louis CK Live at the Beacon Theater: New Online Distribution Model?

  • In a compelling example of an artist successfully producing and selling his own material, comedian Louis CK recently put his self-produced show online and earned $200,000 in three days.
  • The cost of the six camera shoot at the Beacon Theater was around $170,000, largely paid for from ticket sales for two shows.
  • The comedian developed his own website to sell his video at a cost of $32,000.
  • In the three days his video was offered online, he has sold over 110,000 copies at $5 apiece for a profit of $200,000. Interestingly, his video was NOT copy protected.
  • In addition to collecting the profits himself, Louis CK was able to do exactly the show he wanted, without outside influences.


  1. This opens up some interesting possibilities regarding access and self-producing, including smaller scale opportunities via blogs, YouTube channels and other social tools such as the new Google+ On Air Hangouts we reported today. Dennis asks: “Will this example encourage more artists to self-produce online without major media company backing?”

  2. This opens up some interesting possibilities regarding access and self-producing, including smaller scale opportunities via blogs, YouTube channels and other social tools such as the new Google+ On Air Hangouts we reported today. Dennis asks: “Will this example encourage more artists to self-produce online without major media company backing?”

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