Samsung is shifting away from direct media sales and ending its Video and Media hub, which directly sold and rented digital content to consumers. On July 31, Samsung’s video streaming service for Galaxy mobile devices and Samsung Smart TVs will no longer be available. On-demand streaming service M-GO will assume all Samsung Video accounts. Users who bought movies or TV shows through the Samsung Video and Media hub will be able to access their content through M-GO.
Samsung users will luckily be able to hang onto their digital purchases thanks to some swift negotiating. According to Re/code, “M-GO CEO John Batter said he negotiated with all of Hollywood’s major studios to allow the content that consumers bought through Samsung’s Media Hub to be added to their M-GO Library at no extra cost.”
In addition, Samsung customers that make the switch to M-GO will also receive a $5 credit toward future purchases and 50 percent off two movie rentals.
M-GO is a pay-as-you-go video streaming service that is compatible with smart TVs, Internet browsers, Roku players, iOS devices and Android devices. The company is a joint venture of DreamWorks Animation and Technicolor.
M-GO is also working with Samsung on a future project to create a 4K streaming service that will allow viewers to watch movies and television shows in Ultra High Definition. That service is expected to debut later this year.
Samsung recently shut down operations of several of its direct media ventures. In May, readers on Samsung devices had to switch from Samsung Hub Books to Amazon’s Kindle app. Samsung Music was also discontinued, and music listeners were offered a three-month trial of Google Play Music or Samsung’s Milk Music, a free Internet radio service with no commercials.
Google had reportedly pressured Samsung to stop creating competing applications for Android devices.
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