Mass Mobility Poll Examines Growing Reliance on Wireless Devices

  • TIME, in cooperation with Qualcomm, recently surveyed 5,000 people in an effort “to better understand attitudes about mass mobility.”
  • An infographic has been posted that provides an overview of the survey results. Some interesting findings:
  • 29 percent of U.S. respondents said their wireless device is always the first and last thing they look at every day (15 points below the international average).
  • 26 percent said they feel guilty if they don’t promptly respond to work-related messages outside of normal work hours, and 66 percent indicated they would take their wireless mobile device to work instead of their lunch.
  • 65 percent of parents believe their devices make them better parents.
  • 32 percent said that given the choice, they prefer to communicate via text message, and 17 percent said they check their phone at every meal.
  • 29 percent of respondents said they fear society places too much emphasis on technology.

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