MasterCard Unveils Interactive Payment Card with LCD and Keypad

  • MasterCard has developed an advanced payment card with LCD technology and keypad intended to increase security and help protect bank and credit accounts.
  • “The credit card company has partnered with Standard Chartered Bank Singapore in order to release an interactive payment card that looks similar to a pocket calculator,” reports Digital Trends. “Located at the top right corner of the card, a member of Standard Chartered Bank Singapore will find a liquid-crystal display that shows up to six digits. Along the bottom front of the card, the user will find a a ten-digit keypad.”
  • The next-generation, interactive display card features additional functionality with its touch-sensitive “clear,” “okay” and “on/off” buttons.
  • “This card has been designed for transactions that require a higher level of authorization,” explains the post. “When a new cardholder first acquires the card, they will be able to generate a one-time password as an authentication security measure for the future.”
  • “With the continued growth in online and now mobile initiated remote payments, consumers are naturally demanding increased security,” notes Matthew Driver, division president of MasterCard Worldwide in South East Asia. “The innovative features of the Display Card serve to address this need, whilst empowering consumers to do so much more with their payment cards.”
  • MasterCard is looking into additional uses for the LCD related to personal finances, such as displaying current balance, remaining available credit and recent transactions.
  • Visa launched a similar card in Europe late last year. The Visa CodeSure Matrix Display Card features an LCD, keypad and battery that can last up to three years.

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