Men Watch Less TV Than Women, Games Consoles May Bridge Gap

  • A new Nielsen study indicates that women watch significantly more TV than men, “but it’s also finding that the rise of connected (seventh-generation) gaming consoles like the Xbox is changing that,” writes TechCrunch.
  • The study says that even though women spend nearly 40 minutes more in front of the TV than men do on a daily basis, men are spending twice as much time on gaming consoles.
  • With the numbers averaged together, women are still in front of the screen more by a margin of 11 minutes.
  • “Nielsen doesn’t break out what it is that men and women consume via the consoles — it can be anything from playing games to watching on-demand or catch-up TV services, or surfing the Web,” notes the post.
  • “But it does present an interesting challenge both for the advertising industry, and those working in any content service that appears (or wants to appear) on TV: if you want to use that screen to target men as much as women — then you have to think about services that work through those consoles as well as regular TV ads,” suggests TechCrunch.
  • The current focus seems to be on bridging the services between mobile and TV screens rather than finding solutions that bridge content offered by TV services and content coming from connected consoles.

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