Mobilize 2012: Five Key Takeaways Regarding the Future of Mobile

  • Kevin C. Tofel, writing for GigaOM, highlights several themes that emerged during the recent Mobilize 2012 event.
  • “Don’t count out HTML5 just yet,” he writes. Although going with HTML5 didn’t work out for Facebook, it could still have an impact.
  • “The ‘point of sale’ is now everywhere.” Tofel notes near-field communication (NFC) payment methods and successful companies like Square, which touts mobile payments made by 35 million unique American users.
  • “Video is becoming a primary mobile activity.” Tofel writes that “the granddaddy of all video sites, Google’s YouTube, is now delivering 25 percent of its content to mobile devices and the figure is likely to rise in tandem with mobile broadband subscriptions.”
  • “Connected homes will only appeal if the solutions are simple and add value.” Improvements are likely to be made, enabling easier, more centralized home connections.
  • “Developers needs to consider the broadband their software needs.” Of this, he writes: “Third party apps that eat through gobs of mobile broadband could be passed over for similar apps that use less data.”

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