More Than Half of U.S. Phone Owners are Connected While Watching TV

  • New data from the Pew Internet & American Life Project indicates that “more than half of the adult cellphone owners in the U.S. now use their phones while watching TV,” reports TechCrunch.
  • This doesn’t necessarily mean that viewers are using their smartphones to post on Twitter or elsewhere about the show they’re watching. For 38 percent of those surveyed, it’s more about entertaining themselves during commercial breaks.
  • “Quite a few of these ‘connected viewers’ also use their phones to fact check something they heard on TV (22 percent) and marketers will be happy to hear that 35 percent of smartphone owners use their phones to visit sites that were mentioned on TV,” writes TechCrunch.
  • Not surprisingly, younger viewers are leading the trend, with 73 percent of those 18-24 using their phones while watching television (only 9 percent of those 65 and older do the same).
  • “There are some social aspects to how people use their phones while watching TV, too,” notes the post. “About a quarter of the respondents said they texted somebody who was watching the same program in the last 30 days, for example, and 11 percent of cell owners said they posted comments about a program online.”

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