MPAA Fights Back Against Recent Anonymous Attacks on Media Sites
By Karla Robinson
January 24, 2012
January 24, 2012
- Following the shutdown of MegaUpload, the hacktivist group Anonymous reportedly hacked multiple government and entertainment sites including the Justice Department, Universal Music, BMI, the MPAA and RIAA.
- Personal information on MPAA chairman Chris Dodd was posted, including his home address, phone numbers and children’s names.
- “According to reports on Twitter, the group also has been attempting to pull down the website of the White House, but so far it hasn’t succeeded,” noted The Hollywood Reporter last week.
- MPAA gave a statement, criticizing the groups actions: “Unfortunately, some groups believe that speech or ideas that they disagree with should be silenced…The motion picture and television industry has always been a strong supporter of free speech. We strongly condemn any attempts to silence any groups or individuals. The Internet is home to creativity, innovation and free speech. We want to keep it that way. Protecting copyrights and protecting free speech go hand in hand.”
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