Multitasking: Do Multiple Monitors Help Improve Office Efficiency?
By Karla Robinson
February 9, 2012
February 9, 2012
- Even though desktop computer sales have been down, monitors continue to proliferate as more and more people adopt multiple screens. The New York Times reports that 179 million monitors were sold worldwide last year compared with only 130 million desktop computers.
- Monitors are now bigger, cheaper, and slimmer, making the multiscreen approach more accessible and attractive. New communication tools (such as social media) also drive the monitor sales, allowing for improved levels of multitasking.
- One study conducted by the University of Utah showed people are more productive with two screens when working on editing tasks. Having more monitors cuts down on the time it takes to toggle between windows, saving users about 10 seconds every five minutes of work.
- However, some psychologists argue the opposite, saying productivity declines when you can’t focus on one screen and are constantly scanning multiple views.
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