Musicians Implore Pandora to Not Support Internet Radio Fairness Act

  • More than one hundred musicians have signed an open letter asking Pandora to stop its support of the Internet Radio Fairness Act, an act that would reduce royalty payments on Internet streaming radio services.
  • “We are big fans of Pandora. That’s why we helped give the company a discount on rates for the past decade,” the letter begins.
  • “Why is the company asking Congress once again to step in and gut the royalties that thousands of musicians rely upon?” it continues. “That’s not fair and that’s not how partners work together.”
  • “Congress has many pressing issues to consider, but this is not one of them. Let’s work this out as partners and continue to bring fans the great musical experience they rightly expect.”
  • Pandora argues that the act promotes fairness since it brings the royalties in line with those of satellite radio services.
  • The music industry agrees that the royalties should be in line with each other, it just argues that the satellite services should pay more, like Pandora.

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