NAB News: T3 Motion Launches Electric Vehicles for Film Production

  • T3 Motion at NAB this week announced the launch of two new trailer systems designed specifically for film production.
  • The T3MT and T41 systems eliminate the need for tracks during shooting. The camera attaches to the vehicle rather than the camera operator.
  • The battery-powered vehicles go forward and reverse and include a cameraman seat, Steadicam and Glidecam mounting posts, and 7-inch HD monitor.
  • “Few products on the market facilitate tracking camerawork from 0-15 miles per hour — tracking shots at low speeds can be arduous and difficult to manage. Our T3 Motion broadcasting products provide a tracking platform that allow for a uniquely clean and efficient production process, facilitating tracking shots without operator fatigue,” stated T3 Motion CTO Ki Nam in a press release.
  • The T3MT and T41 Trailer packages start at $10,000.

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