Neo3Do: New Android Tablet Offers Glasses-Free 3D Experience

Some consumers enjoy 3D, but don’t care much for the required glasses. The Neo3Do tablet offers users the 3D experience without the spectacles. The $349 Android tablet plays 3D videos and also converts standard video into 3D. However, the 3D effect is spotty, according to this review, and sometimes works well and other times far less so. In a demo featuring a clip from the Blu-ray 3D version of “Predator,” the 3D feature was highly impressive. It also worked well with games such as “Fruit Ninja.”

“Using Google Earth, you can also zoom into a city and then move the image with your finger, making it look as if you’re flying a helicopter over a downtown,” reports The New York Times.

However, Web-streamed videos were less impressive. While some videos looked good, others “had little depth and a ghostly edge floating around some images.” It was also necessary to hold the Neo3Do in a certain position to get the most out of the 3D experience.

“Using the 3D features takes a couple of steps, because you have to go through some intermediary software,” explains the article. “For games, you have to start a 3D games app first. To watch streaming videos you have to first start with the included jetVD app, then choose the video quality, then choose the 3D player. When the video is running, you choose 3D, then pick the correct format of the 3D — side-by-side or over-and-under. It’s not as bad as it may sound, but it certainly makes the effect seem less magical.”

Additionally, there were issues with the process of transforming 2D to 3D, and there were freezes and errors.

“Besides the 3D effects, with this device you have a competent little tablet with an 8-inch screen and Android operating system 4.0.4 (better known as Ice Cream Sandwich). It has all of the familiar Google services, like Gmail, Maps, Messenger and YouTube,” explains NYT.

There are also cameras in front and back, although there are no 3D cameras. The tablet also comes with 1 gigabyte of RAM and 8 gigabytes of storage, which can be expanded with a MicroSD card of up to 32 gigabytes.

Related Reviews:
Neo3Do Tablet Review, Laptop, 9/11/13
What’s a Glasses-Free 3D Tablet Like? We Take the Neo3Do for a Spin, The Next Web, 9/27/13

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