Netflix Announces Smart TV Certification Program in Las Vegas
January 6, 2015
While Netflix has emerged at several CES press events in Las Vegas this week promoting HDR and various partnership deals, the streaming video service also announced its new smart TV certification program, Netflix Recommended TV, designed to help consumers select Netflix-friendly TV sets that are “built for a superior Internet TV experience.” The recommendation program was announced during LG’s press conference. Initial program participants include LG, Sharp, Sony, Vizio and Roku TV makers.
“When you see a TV with the Netflix Recommended TV logo, it means that TV will provide an excellent Netflix experience, based on criteria our members tell us matter most,” said Neil Hunt, chief product officer at Netflix.
“The firm is looking for TVs with top-notch performance, easy menu navigation and new features that improve, not detract, from the smart TV experience,” reports TechRadar. “Screens that meet its requirements will bear a Netflix Recommended TV logo.”
“The Netflix Recommendation program is initially U.S.-only,” adds TechCrunch. “Netflix notes it will cover smart TVs of various screen sizes and price points, so won’t just be a list of the most expensive TVs.”
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