Netflix Claims Amazon Losing Hundreds of Millions on Streaming Video

  • Amazon is losing between $500 million and $1 billion annually on its streaming service, according to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.
  • Netflix and Amazon often compete for content deals, and Hastings’ estimates are based on the value of the content agreements that Amazon has won.
  • Netflix recently reported that it will spend $2.1 billion on content rights in the coming year. It charges its customers $8 a month for its streaming service.
  • “He says he thinks Amazon’s costs are split evenly between its U.S. operations and in Europe, where it operates the Lovefilm streaming service,” AllThingsD reports.
  • “In the U.S., Amazon rents and sells digital movies and TV shows on a one-off basis via its Amazon Instant Video service,” the article continues. “It also offers a large catalog of titles for free to customers who pay $79 a year for its Prime shipping service, and recently began testing an option that lets customers pay $8 a month for Prime; Hastings’ estimate is based on acquisition costs for the Prime/video bundle.”
  • According to Sandvine, Netflix accounts for 33 percent of Internet traffic, while Amazon sits at just 1.8 percent. Even so, Hastings says, “Amazon is the best competitor we’ve ever faced.”

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