New Era of Animated Gifs: Will Cinemagraphs Impact Modern Advertising?

  • Online ads will be getting a whole new look thanks to the cinemagraph, an animated gif that “repeatedly replays as a short piece of short video created from dozens of still shots layered on top of each other,” reports Business Insider.
  • “The innovation with a cinemagraph is that most of the image remains still, and only a piece of it moves. The result is a gif of much higher quality, within which is a subtle, often haunting piece of movement,” notes the article.
  • First coined by graphic designer Kevin Burg and photographer Jamie Beck, cinemagraphs have had strong traction on social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr as users have taken to sharing their favorites.
  • Tumblr has even created a new service for advertisers called Tumblr Radar that helps advertisers promote cinemagraphs.
  • The BI post includes a selection of stunning ads — from the likes of Coca-Cola, Tiffany & Co., Bloomingdale’s and Diesel — that effectively use cinemagraphs.

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