Next-Gen Television and Beyond: Understanding 4K Resolution Technology
By Rob Scott
February 6, 2012
February 6, 2012
- CNET provides a helpful overview of 4K resolution technology and what we should expect for future TVs. “As if LED and 3D TV weren’t confusing enough, 2012 and beyond will bring an HDTV technology called 4K. It’s being heralded as the next high-def, and manufacturers are already lining up to bring you products.”
- The article is quick to point out consumer 4K content is not yet available, but that doesn’t stop the industry from describing the technology as “the last resolution you’ll ever need.”
- “Though there are several different standards, ‘4K’ in general refers to a resolution of roughly 4,000 pixels wide and about 2,000 pixels high,” reports CNET. “That makes it the equivalent of four 1080p screens in height and length.”
- The article addresses Digital Cinema, 4K standards in theaters and the home, the potential for an improved 3D experience, and expectations for the future of 4K.
- CNET concludes: “Even with reference-quality native 4K material, however, a 4K-resolution TV or projector won’t provide nearly the visible improvement over a standard 1080p model that going from standard-def to high-def did. To appreciate it you’ll have to sit quite close to a large screen — sort of like being in the front few rows of a movie theater. But whether it’s 4K or 8K, you can bet that manufacturers haven’t run out of cards when it comes to trying out the next ‘must-have’ feature in the coming crops of televisions.”
- The post also includes a video report from CES: “TV technologies that you’ll want next.”
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