Nielsen Study: Hispanics Outpace Others in Mobile Use and Social Activity

  • New findings from Nielsen suggest Hispanic consumers in the U.S. are often the top users of smartphones, online video, social networks and other media.
  • “According to the study, Hispanics outpace all [other] ethnic groups in mobile downloads of music and photos, and are more likely to watch video online and on the their mobile phones than others,” TechCrunch reports. “Specifically, Nielsen says that Hispanic video viewers are 68 percent more likely than non-Hispanic White viewers to watch video on the Internet, and 20 percent more likely to watch video on their mobile phone.”
  • Hispanic consumers send and receive more SMS text messages than any other ethnic group and also make 40 percent more calls than the average U.S. customer.
  • The study also found Hispanic adults are 25 percent more likely to follow a brand; 18 percent more likely to follow a celebrity; 21 percent more likely to post links, articles, videos and websites; 17 percent more likely to build or update a personal blog; and 7 percent more likely to have one or more social networking profiles.
  • “Says Nielsen, ‘mobile presents a significant avenue of opportunity for marketers looking to reach Hispanic consumers,’ and the firm also notes that the group has ‘amassed significant buying power, despite perceptions to the contrary,'” the article states.
  • TechCrunch points out that this not only represents an opportunity for marketers, but also for developers of apps and services.

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