Nintendo to Launch $200 3DS XL: Increases Screen Size and Battery Life

  • Nintendo has announced the August 19th availability of the new $200 3DS XL, a larger version of its portable console with improved battery life.
  • “Unlike the Nintendo DS Lite, which released just over a year and a half after the original DS, the 3DS XL does not make necessary improvements to the look and ergonomics of the 3DS,” reports Digital Trends. “The Lite made the DS more compact but dramatically improved its screens and comfort. The 3DS XL increases the size of the 3DS’ screens by 90 percent, with a 4.88-inch top screen and a 4.18-inch bottom screen.”
  • The new size (close to that of the iPad when the clamshell is unfolded) may make the 3DS a more usable device for some gamers.
  • The battery life has been improved, offering 30 minutes more play time than the original. Additionally, the 2GB SD card of the original DS has been replaced with a 4GB card.
  • However, Digital Trends suggests these are the only improvements. “The screens are bigger but the resolution is not improved. The 3DS XL also fails to add the most necessary hardware improvements like a second analog slide pad for improved control of the three-dimensional games,” explains the post.

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